Information on the management company
Company headquarters and contact details:
Erste Asset Management GmbH
Am Belvedere 1,
1100 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: +43 50 100 19054
Fax: +43 50 100 9 19054
Commercial register court: Vienna Commercial Court
Based in: political district Vienna
Commercial register number: FN 102018b
VAT ID number (UID): ATU 15355700
DVR (data processing register) number: 4012567
Bank code: 76263
Management board of the Erste Asset Management GmbH:
Mag. Heinz BEDNAR
Mag. Winfried BUCHBAUER
Mag. Peter KARL
Mag. Thomas KRAUS
Supervisory board of the Erste Asset Management GmbH:
Mag. Rudolf SAGMEISTER (chairman)
Mag. Harald GASSER (member)
Mag. Gerhard GRABNER (member)
Harald Frank Gruber (member)
Oswald Huber (member)
Gerhard Lahner (member)
Rainer Hauser (member)
Dr. Peter Prober (member)
Mag. Ertan Piskin (member)
Michael Koren (member)
Klaus Felderer (member)
Mag. Gerald Weber (member)
Martin Cech (member)
Mag. Regina Haberhauer (member)
Ing. Heinrich Hubert Reiner (member)
Peter Riederer (member)
Nicole Weinhengst (member)
Mag. Manfred Zourek (member)
Dkfm. Maximilian Clary und Aldringen (member)
State commissioner:
Mag. Dr. Angelika Schätz
Deputy State commissioner:
Mag. Wolfgang Exl
Supervisory authority in Austria:
Financial Market Authority (FMA)
Securities Supervision
Otto-Wagner-Platz 5
A-1090 Vienna
The investment company is affiliated to the following chambers:
Austrian Economic Chambers
Austrian Bankers’ Association
Branch headquarters and contact details:
Erste Asset Management GmbH, the Branch Czech Republic
Budějovická 1518/13a, Michle, 140 00 Prague 4
Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 956 786 111 (EAM)
Tel.: +420 800 468 378 (Investment centrum of Česká spořitelna, a.s.)
Commercial register court: Prague Municipal Court
Based in: Prague, Czech Republic
Commercial register number: Section A, file 77100
Identification number (IČO): 041 07 128
VAT ID number (DIČ): CZ683730793
Data mailbox: 5ig4rsk
Certificate of incorporation:
Branch manager in the Czech Republic:
Ing. Martin ŘEZÁČ
Supervisory authority in the Czech Republic for the management and administration of investment funds named on the list maintained by the Czech National Bank:
Česká národní banka/Czech National Bank (ČNB)
Na Příkopě 28
CZ 115 03 Prague 1
The investment company Erste Asset Management GmbH (“EAM”) is member of Erste Group and coordinates all activities relating to the management of investment products within Erste Group. It is represented in Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Croatia, Romania, Slovakia and Hungary via its subsidiaries and branch offices.
All the mutual funds set up and managed in Austria are governed by Austrian legislation. More information about the funds available and a profile of individual investment products can be found online at .
Business purpose of the investment company EAM:
- Management and administration of investment funds in accordance with the Austrian Investment Fund Act 2011 (“InvFG 2011”) as amended – licensed in accordance with § 1 (1) no. 13 of the Austrian Banking Act (“BWG”):
- providing investment advice in relation to financial instruments (§ 3 (2) no. 1 of the Austrian Securities Supervision Act 2007 (“WAG 2007”) ;
- managing individual portfolios for clients on a discretionary client-by-client basis (§ 3 (2) no. 2 WAG 2007).
- Management and administration of alternative investment funds (AIFs) in accordance with the Austrian Alternative Investment Fund Managers Act (“AIFMG”) – licensed in accordance with § 6 (1) in conjunction with § 4 (1) AIFMG
- Ancillary services: Custody and technical management in connection with shares or units in undertakings for collective investment (§ 4 (4) no. 2 AIFMG).
In accordance with Art. 16 UCITSD and Art. 33 AIFMD and by virtue of its European fund passport, Erste Asset Management GmbH is authorised to manage investment funds in the Czech Republic via its branch office.
Business purpose of the investment company Erste Asset Management GmbH, the Branch Czech Republic:
- Management and administration of standard and alternative investment funds in accordance with the Czech Act no. 240/2013 Coll. on Investment Companies and Investment Funds, as amended
- Managing individual portfolios for specific clients
- Providing investment advice on investment instruments
Business purpose of the Slovak Republic branch:
- Management and administration of investment funds and alternative investment funds in accordance with the Slovak Investment Fund Act
- Managing individual portfolios for specific clients
- Providing investment advice on investment instruments
- Ancillary services: custody and technical management in connection with shares or ucits in undertakings for collective investment
Business purpose of the Hungarian branch:
- Management and administration of investment funds and alternative investment funds in accordance with the Hungarian Investment Fund Act
- Managing individual portfolios for specific clients
- Providing investment advice on investment instruments
- Ancillary services: custody and technical management in connection with shares or ucits in undertakings for collective investment
Slovak Republic:
Erste Asset Management GmbH, Slovak Republic branch
Branch headquarters and contact details:
Tomášikova 48, 832 65 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421 2 4862 9600
Commercial register court: Bratislava, Section Po, file 4550/B
ID number: 51 410 818
VAT ID number: 4120106441
Branch manager:
Pavol Vejmelka
Supervisory authority in the Slovak Republic:
Národná banka Slovenska (Slovak National Bank)
Imricha Karvaša 1
SK-813 25 Bratislava
Erste Asset Management GmbH, Hungarian branch
Branch headquarters and contact details:
Népfürdő st. 24-26. 9. floor, 1138 Budapest
Commercial register court: Fővárosi Bíróság
ID number: 01-17-001489
VAT ID number: 27871993-2-41
Branch manager:
Balázs Pázmány
Supervisory authority in Hungary:
Hungarian National Bank
Krisztina krt. 6
1122 Budapest
As a member of the "Association of Austrian Investment Companies" (VÖIG), EAM is subject to the “Code of Conduct of the Austrian Investment Fund Industry 2012”.
In Czech Republic EAM is a member of the Czech Capital Market Association.
In Slovak Republic EAM is a member of the „Asociácia správcovských spoločnosti“ (Association of Slovak Investment Companies).
In Hungary EAM is a member of „Befektetési Alapkezelők Magyarországi Szövetsége" (BAMOSZ).
Basic content of the website:
- Presentation of EAM funds and the entire investment group of EAM
- Information and links to the products and financial instruments (such as investment funds), services and other applications provided by EAM and ERSTE Group
- Information on investment funds, securities, the capital markets and investments
Technical implementation of the Website:
In partnership with Erste Digital GmbH