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The content of Erste AM's website is for information purposes only and is not a proposal to enter a contract or a recommendation to buy or sell. The information does not serve as a substitute for individual investment, tax, or other advice. Any specific investment should only be made after personal consultation.
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Languages: You can communicate with us in Czech, German and English.
In accordance with the rules applicable to collective investment, Erste AM notes that the current performance of a mutual fund is no guarantee of future performance. The value of a share certificate is inherently volatile and may change in relation to fluctuations in the value of the individual components of the assets in the mutual fund. The value of a share certificate and their yield may rise or fall. The value of an investment may also be affected positively or negatively by changes in currency exchange rates. Past performance data includes the effect of fees, commissions and taxes related to the management of the fund. Only entry and exit fees related to the distribution of units, if any, are not included. Therefore, it is possible that the value of the Units you sell may be less than the amount you originally invested. Persons interested in investing in mutual funds should read the current Fund Rules ("Statut") and the applicable Key Investor Information Document (KIID) or, in the case of Austrian investment funds, the current prospectus or the "Information for Shareholders pursuant to Section 21 AIFMG", in particular the risk warnings contained therein, before making any investment. Before selecting a particular fund, you should always consider your own financial situation, risk attitude and the purpose of the investment. All information contained herein is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace Fund Rules, Prospectus or the "Information for Unitholders pursuant to Section 21 AIFMG" or to provide a complete summary thereof.
The information published on this website is intended as supplementary information for investors and is based on the knowledge of the staff responsible for preparing it at the time of publication. Our analyses and conclusions are of a general nature and do not consider the individual needs of our investors regarding their returns, tax situation or risk. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of the future performance of a fund.
Information and similar material relating to the units of open-end mutual funds listed on this website is published by Erste AM. The individuals involved in the production of such material do not benefit financially from these investment instruments.
The following applies to mutual funds domiciled in the Czech Republic:
The mutual funds are managed by Erste Asset Management GmbH. The methods and principles of management of investment funds are defined by the Czech Act on Investment Companies and Investment Funds No. 240/2013 Coll. (“ZISIF”).
Mutual funds are established on the date of registration in the list of mutual funds maintained by the Czech National Bank.
The documents underlying the mutual funds being offered are the fund rules. In accordance with Decree no. 246/2013 Coll. on the fund rules of collective investment funds, this sets out the fund’s investment strategy, the risks associated with investing in the fund, its management principles, the schedule of fees and how proceeds are handled.
Customers of collective investment funds (UCITS and alternative funds) may consult a document summarizing the basic characteristics of the collective investment fund. Investors require this Key Investor Information Document (KIID) to make a detailed assessment of the nature of and risks involved in investments. This document is prepared in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) No. 583/2010 for UCITS funds and in accordance with Decree no. 242/2013 Coll. for alternative funds.
The fund rules of investment funds and the KIIDs are available in electronic form on the websites and and in hardcopy form from the registered office of Erste AM’s branch in the Czech Republic and from the offices of České spořitelna, a.s.
As management company and fund administrator, Erste AM serves as the issuer of units of its investment funds and is responsible for provides the input required to prepare information material.
The methods and principles used to evaluate financial instruments are governed by Decree no. 244/2013 Coll. and by the Czech Act on Investment Companies and Investment Funds for a more detailed regulation of certain provisions.
Investment funds registered in the Czech Republic are are subject to the supervision of the Czech National Bank.
České spořitelna, a.s. is a distributor of share certificates of Erste AM CZ funds and serves as custodian for these funds.
The following applies to mutual funds domiciled in Austria:
The mutual funds are managed by Erste Asset Management GmbH. The methods and principles of management of investment funds are defined by the Austrian Investment Fund Act 2011 (“InvFG 2011”).
The Austrian bank Erste Group Bank AG serves as custodian.
Austrian investment funds are supervised by FMA (Financial Market Authority).
In the Czech Republic the distributor of this funds is Česká spořitelna, a.s.
Erste Asset Management GmbH, and Česká spořitelna, a.s. are group companies of the Erste Bank Group.
The prospectus for UCITS (as amended) has been prepared in accordance with the relevant provisions of the InvFG 2011 as amended and published in the Austrian newspaper “Amtsblatt zur Wiener Zeitung”. The “Information for Investors pursuant to § 21 AIFMG” has been devised for alternative investment funds in accordance with the Austrian Alternative Investment Fund Managers Act (“AIFMG”) in conjunction with the InvFG 2011.
The prospectus, the “Information for Investors pursuant to § 21 AIFMG” and the KIID as amended may be downloaded from the website and interested parties may obtain free copies at the registered office of the management company and of the custodian bank. The website also provides information on the exact date of the most recent publication of the prospectus, the languages in which the KIID is available and any additional locations where the documents can be obtained.
The prospectus and the “Information for Investors pursuant to § 21 AIFMG” contain information on the restrictions on the sale of fund units to US citizens.